Monday, March 9, 2015

Free champion rotation | March 10

This weeks free champion rotation consists of Ashe, Cassiopeia, Kalista, Nami, Rammus, Riven, Talon, Teemo, Thresh, and Zac. Hope you guys make the most of this free champion rotation!

Champion and skin sale | 03.10.15 - 03.13.15

This weeks champion and skin sale will start tomorrow and end on March 13. While this sale is on you'll be able to pick up the following champions and skins at a discounted price: Quinn for 487 RP, Renekton for 440 RP, Xin Zhao for 292 RP, Wicked Lulu for 487 RP, Officer Caitlyn for 487 RP, and last but not least Sakura Karma for 260 RP.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Free champion rotation | February 24

This weeks free champion rotation consists of: Braum, Caitlyn, Elise, Janna, Jayce, Kha'Zix, Nidalee, Rengar, Ryze, and Varus. This rotation starts tomorrow.

Champion and skin sale | 02.24.15 - 02.27.15

Sorry I haven't been posting lately guys, I was kind of busy, but I'm back on track now just in time for a new champion and skin sale! This weeks champion and skin sale will start tomorrow and end on February 27. While this sale is on you'll be able to get: Vi for 487 RP, Volibear for 440 RP, LeBlanc for 395 RP, Lunar Goddess Diana for 487 RP, Headhunter Nidalee for 487 RP, and King Tryndamere for 260 RP.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Show your love with Valentine's Day skins | Heartseeker Varus and Sweetheart Annie!

Heartseeker Varus and Sweetheart Annie are now available for 1350 RP and 750 RP respectively. Along with the release of these two new skins there are two Valentine's Day bundles available, the Sweetheart set for 1733 RP which come with Sweetheart Annie, Heartseeker Varus, Sweetheart Ward, and Heartseeker Ward and the Yesteryear Bundle for 1468 RP which comes with Heartseeker Ashe, Heartseeker Vayne, and the Bouquet Ward.

Champion and skin sale | 02.13.15 - 02.16.15

Starting today until February 16 you'll be able to pick up some awesome new champions and skins. During the sale you'll be able to get: Jinx for 487 RP, Viktor for 440 RP, Malphite for 292 RP, Grim Reaper Karthus for 487 RP, Wicked LeBlanc for 375 RP, and Monarch Kog'Maw for 260 RP.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Champion and skin sale | 02.10.15 - 02.13.15

Starting tomorrow until February 13 you'll be able to pick up some sweat new champions and skin at a discounted price! These include: Draven for 487 RP, Fizz for 440 RP, Olaf for 395 RP, Jaximus for 487 RP, Darkforge Jarvan IV for 487 RP, and Sherwood  Forest Ashe for 260 RP. Enjoy the sale guys, and have a great day!