Here is Pwyff with the full details on patch 4.5.
Hey Summoners,
It's mid season! That doesn't mean we'll be making dramatic changes a la the 2014 preseason, but it does mean we can make some larger systemic changes in areas where we could. You'll see this in places like the support item recipe cleanup and the addition of two foundational support items. While we're not planning to completely change the landscape, this does mean that supports will be able to keep pace when purchasing ability power items and, in the future we'll be able to build out more support itemization paths for those who want it.
Also included in this patch are two gameplay updates (that's what we're calling 'em): Rengar and Gragas. Rengar's got some new tools to actually contribute to an ongoing team fight, while Gragas has traded some of his long-range barrel-sniping power for scrappy in-your-face brawlin' strength. Our overarching philosophy behind these two changes was mostly due to their binary gameplay, where both had clear success cases (usually involving the absolute destruction of a single target before they knew it) but, when they weren't succeeding, they were rarely allowed to contribute in meaningful ways. You can find out more details by reading below, but our goals were to provide more tools and, generally speaking, more cool things to do in a fight. Like belly slams.
LoL Client
Team Builder
- Captains now see a spinner animation when friends in the group are still determining their spec
- Captains can now invite friends to their group before determining their own spec
- Friend invite statuses are now properly updating
Combat Text
Switching text labels for gold gain and crits to icons for faster readability and a more consistent experience across languages.
- Gold gain text is now indicated by a gold coin, rather than the letter 'g'
- Critical strike text is now indicated by a bursty icon, rather than the symbol '!'
Gameplay Updates

Rengar's received some buffs to his teamfight capabilities. Battle Roar is more effective the more people (or large monsters) he hits (there's no limit!) and empowered Bola Strike deals more damage and roots for longer (Bola Strike is also a long range skill shot). Thrill of the Hunt now only gives a speed boost for Rengar when he's chasing down his prey, but it now gives him tons of movement speed when he breaks out of stealth. In exchange, targets will be alerted when Rengar is stealthed and near leap range (he still won't be revealed). Ferocity abilities now scale independently of the base skill rank so they're always equal in power. Bonetooth Necklace is now a trinket (still offers vision) and doesn't stack attack damage, but it no longer loses stacks on death and yields additional utility as Rengar scores kills or assists.
Overall, the Rengar rework set out to accomplish two goals: add more depth to his gameplay and allow Rengar to contribute meaningfully to team fights as a hunter of weaker targets. Old Rengar's problem was that he was binary in design - he either got ahead and blew up squishies without recourse, or he fell behind and split pushed indefinitely, relying on his stealth for safe escapes. On its own, split pushing isn't an unhealthy strategy, but Rengar could do it with few tradeoffs (especially given his split pushing speed). Ultimately we preserved the more skill-intensive parts of Rengar, like his ability to stalk foes while moving around the fight, and tuned down his less interactive power. Final point on Bonetooth Necklace: now that it's a trinket it can be positioned as a core progression item for Rengar rather than a risky snowball item slot. Tonight we hunt!
FEROCITY EFFECT SCALINGPer ability level ⇒ Per champion level
Passive - Unseen Predator
STEALTHRengar becomes visible mid-leap ⇒ at the beginning of the leap
Q - Savagery
BUGFIXFixed a bug where the bonus damage from Savagery could crit
COOLDOWN8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds ⇒ 6/5.5/5/4.5/4 seconds
DAMAGE30/60/90/120/150 (+1.0 attack damage at all ranks) ⇒20/40/60/80/100 (+1.0/1.05/1.10/1.15/1.20 attack damage)
REMOVEDATTACK SPEED BUFF30/35/40/45/50% attack speed for 4 seconds
BASIC ATTACK BUFF WINDOW2 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
REMOVEDUTILITYUsable on structures
Q - Empowered Savagery
DAMAGE30/60/90/120/150 (+2.0 attack damage) based on skill level ⇒20-235 (+1.5 attack damage) based on champion level
ATTACK SPEED BUFF+60/70/80/90/100% attack speed based on skill level ⇒ +50-101% attack speed based on champion level
NEWATTACK DAMAGE BUFF+10% attack damage for 5 seconds
W - Battle Roar
COOLDOWN15/14/13/12/11 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds at all ranks
DAMAGEUnchanged (50/80/110/140/170 (+0.8 ability power))
BONUS ARMOR & MAGIC RESISTANCE+15/22/29/36/43 armor & magic resistance ⇒ +10/15/20/25/30 armor & magic resistance
NEWUTILITYBonus armor & magic resistance increases by 50% per enemy champion or large monster hit (no cap)
W - Empowered Battle Roar
DAMAGE50/80/110/140/170 (+0.8 ability power) based on skill level ⇒40-240 (+0.8 ability power) based on champion level
MINIMUM HEAL20 + (10 x level) ⇒ 12 + (4 x level)
MAXIMUM HEAL40 + (20 x level) ⇒ 75 + (25 x level)
E - Bola Strike
NEWUTILITYTargeted ability ⇒ Skillshot
COOLDOWN12/11/10/9/8 seconds ⇒ 10 seconds at all ranks
DAMAGE60/105/150/195/240 (+0.7 attack damage) ⇒50/100/150/200/250 (+0.7 attack damage)
RANGE575 ⇒ 1000
MOVEMENT SPEED SLOW-50/55/60/65/70% movement speed ⇒-60/65/70/75/80% movement speed
E - Empowered Bola Strike
DAMAGE60/105/150/195/240 (+0.7 attack damage) based on skill level⇒ 50-340 (+0.7 attack damage) based on champion level
ROOT DURATION1 second ⇒ 1.75 seconds
R - Thrill of the Hunt
COOLDOWN140/105/70 seconds ⇒ 120/95/70 seconds
NEWUTILITYRengar only gains movement speed when moving toward enemy champions
MOVEMENT SPEED BONUS+20/25/30% movement speed ⇒ +15% movement speed
NEWUTILITYAfter breaking stealth, Rengar gains +25/35/45% movement speed for 5 seconds
NEWUTILITYAfter breaking stealth, Rengar gains 1 ferocity per second for 5 seconds
NEWUTILITYTargets are alerted when Rengar is within 1000 range and stealthed, but do not gain vision of him.
Bonetooth Necklace
ITEM TYPEBasic item ⇒ Trinket (different versions for Warding Totem, Scrying Orb and Sweeping Lens trinket lines)
COST800 gold ⇒ Free
TROPHY GAINUnchanged (+1 per kill or assist)
REMOVEDBONUS ATTACK DAMAGE+5 attack damage (+2 additional Attack Damage per level)
3 TROPHY BONUS+10 armor penetration, +5% cooldown reduction ⇒+25 movement speed out of combat and in brush
6 TROPHY BONUS+25 movement speed ⇒ +125 Unseen Predator leap range, Tier 2 vision active
REMOVED9 TROPHY BONUS+150 Unseen Predator leap range
NEW12 TROPHY BONUS+5 seconds to Thrill of the Hunt duration
REMOVED14 TROPHY BONUS+3 seconds to Thrill of the Hunt duration, first ability used after Thrill of the Hunt generates an additional point of Ferocity
NEW20 TROPHY BONUSThrill of the Hunt movement speed bonus doubled to +30% movement speed, Tier 3 vision active (Warding Totem version gains Greater Stealth Totem active)

Gragas gained stronger close-combat abilities! Drunken Rage now empowers his next attack to deal additional magic damage (plus a large portion of the target's maximum health) and Body Slam stuns and knocks back stricken foes. In exchange, Graggy's lost some of his long-range damage in both Barrel Roll (although Barrel Roll now slows movement speed) and Explosive Cask. Gragas just makes more sense as a fat, scrappy brawler than a long-range...barrel...sniper?
When we initially designed Gragas, we intended for him to be a drunken brawler who jumped into the fight to mess things up. As players began to master him, however, they focused more on his high ability power ratios and sniping potential while relying on Body Slam and Drunken Rage to get away. While we like to support emergent strategies for champions, playing Gragas like a long-range mage created some very imbalanced situations where either he could one-shot his opponents (success) or he couldn't (failure) and therefore became more sad than drunk. With this rework, Gragas should deliver on the core fantasy of a tanky drunkard who takes on his foes belly first.
Passive - Happy Hour
HEALTH RESTORE2% max health over 4 seconds ⇒ 4% max health instantly
Q - Barrel Roll
NEWMOVEMENT SPEED SLOW30/35/40/45/50% for 2 seconds
COOLDOWNUnchanged (11/10/9/8/7 seconds)
MANA COST80/90/100/110/120 mana ⇒ 60/65/70/75/80 mana
RANGE950 ⇒ 850
BASE DAMAGE85/135/185/245/285 ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240
REMOVEDATTACK SPEED SLOW-20/25/30/35/40% attack speed for 3 seconds
NEWUTILITYDamage & slow increase by up to 50% over 2 seconds as the barrel sits out before detonation
W - Drunken Rage
COOLDOWN25 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds
MANA COSTUnchanged (No cost)
NEWDAMAGEGragas' next basic attack deals 20/50/80/110/140 (+0.3 ability power) plus 8/9/10/11/12% of the target's maximum health as bonus magic damage
DURATION20 seconds ⇒ 3 seconds
DAMAGE REDUCTIONUnchanged (10/12/14/16/18%)
NEWUTILITYGragas can now move at 80% movement speed while drinking
REMOVEDATTACK DAMAGE BUFF+30/40/50/60/70 attack damage
REMOVEDMANA RESTORERestores 30/40/50/60/70 mana
E - Body Slam
COOLDOWN12 seconds at all ranks ⇒ 16/15/14/13/12 seconds
MANA COST75 ⇒ 50
BASE DAMAGE80/120/160/200/240 ⇒ 80/130/180/230/280
UTILITYCooldown reduced by 50% on unit collision ⇒ Cooldown reduced by 3 seconds on unit collision
CROWD CONTROL35% Movement Speed slow for 2.5 seconds ⇒ 1 second stun & slight knockback
R - Explosive Cask
COOLDOWNUnchanged (100/90/80 seconds)
MANA COSTUnchanged (100)
BASE DAMAGE200/325/450 ⇒ 200/300/400
UTILITYUnchanged (Knocks back all enemies hit and grants vision of the area)

Anivia's received a small quality-of-life buff to create a clear best use case (if you just want more damage) for Glacial Storm.
R - Glacial Storm
UTILITYNow deals a tick of damage when cancelled

Did you know that when Fiddlesticks hides in a bush and you don't have vision of him, he can still affect you with Dread? Astute players knew this and learned to watch for his debuff, which made Fiddlesticks sad. We fixed that so Fiddlesticks wouldn't be so sad.
Passive - Dread
UTILITYNo longer affects champions who cannot see Fiddlesticks

Quickdraw costs less mana to use, Collateral Damage's explosion damage is now 80% of the impact damage.
We're emphasizing the collateral part of Collateral Damage.
E - Quickdraw
MANA COST50 mana ⇒ 40 mana
R - Collateral Damage
EXPLOSION DAMAGE140/250/360 (+1.2 bonus attack damage) ⇒200/280/360 (+1.2 bonus attack damage)

Apex Turret no longer spawns with a beam charge stored so it can't be dropped for an instant line-nuke. H-28G Evolution Turret and Apex Turret deal less damage.
The 'Dinger's been whomping a little too hard in the early game, so we brought Heimer's overall power level back to a reasonable place while keeping his late game gains. Additionally, the Upgraded!!! Apex Turret changes are meant to emphasize the difference (damage now vs. maximum damage later) between an Upgraded!!! Rocket Storm versus an Upgraded!!! Apex Turret.
Q - H-28G Evolution Turret
CANNON DAMAGE15/22/29/36/42 (+0.125 ability power) ⇒12/18/23/29/34 (+0.150 ability power)
BEAM DAMAGE50/75/100/125/150 (+0.5 ability power) ⇒40/60/80/105/130 (+0.55 ability power)
BEAM COOLDOWN12 seconds ⇒ 16 seconds
Q - H-28Q Apex Turret
CANNON DAMAGE90/110/130 (+0.33 ability power) ⇒ 70/90/110 (+0.3 ability power)
BEAM DAMAGE225/300/375 (+0.8 ability power) ⇒ 180/240/300 (+0.7 ability power)
BEAM CHARGE PER CANNON ATTACK2/4/6/8/10% ⇒ 20% at all ranks
REMOVEDUTILITYSpawns with a beam charge

Kha'Zix must stay out of stealth longer between casts of Void Assault. Evolved Active Camouflage no longer reduces damage from turrets when Kha'Zix is stealthed.
We love seeing Kha'Zix players adapt to the changes to Evolved Active Camouflage. Unfortunately, the increased duration of Void Assault combined with extremely short between stealth windows meant that Kha'Zix was straight face-tanking abilities and turret aggro rather than swiftly moving in and out of fights. These changes let Kha'Zix's opponents have a way to respond when the bug is out hunting.
R - Void Assault
BUGFIXCasting Flash no longer breaks Void Assault stealth
R - Evolved Active Camouflage

Lee Sin
Safeguard's cooldown will be cut in half if Lee Sin uses it on an allied champion or himself. In exchange, Safeguard's cooldown has gone up and will no longer give Lee a shield if he dashes toward a non-champion unit.
Even though he was designed to be a high-risk early game champion, Lee Sin can get around making risky plays because of his high mobility and early game base power. We were considering some larger changes to give Lee more early game risk and a way forward into the end game, but your concerns that we would be heavily altering some of Lee's core play patterns (which wasn't our intent!) helped us decide that we should slow our roll. These changes mean Lee will need to take more risks in mobility but don't touch his overall power curve. They also give Lee a real reason to play with his teammates rather than inanimate wards.
W - Safeguard
COOLDOWN9 seconds ⇒ 14 seconds
NEWUTILITYCooldown reduced by 50% if cast on Lee Sin or an allied champion
SHIELD DURATION5 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds
REMOVEDUTILITYLee Sin gains a shield when Safeguard is cast on non-champion units
W - Iron Will
DURATION5 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds

The correct play against Leona in lane is to poke her down to make her engages riskier, but her high defensive stats and health regen were mitigating this a little too much. By reducing the bonus armor/magic resistance on Eclipse, Leona's a slightly more viable in-combat target. Plus, if she doesn't get a kill, that combat damage will stick harder.
W - Eclipse
BONUS ARMOR & MAGIC RESISTANCE25/35/45/55/65 ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60

Help, Pix!'s duration of staying on an enemy has been reduced (ally duration remains unaffected). Casting Help, Pix! on an allied minion no longer gives that minion a shield but still puts Pix on the minion. Help, Pix! deals less base damage at higher ranks.
When we made our 2014 Season changes to supports, we wanted to make them feel good about buying AP items. For most supports we gave them forms of additional utility with smaller gains in damage, but Lulu ended up getting a lot in both categories. We actually like mid Lulu, but want to make sure that the reasons for choosing her weren't due to her low-interaction (and high-obnoxiousness) lane harass pattern where she can get instant damage with Help, Pix! before following it up with two high-powered guaranteed Glitterlances. Choosing Lulu as a solo mage champion over being a duo-lane support should come with strategic tradeoffs, but many players were choosing her regardless of team composition or enemy matchups. Ultimately we had to hit some of Lulu's high offensive power, but we're also committed to ensuring this doesn't have a huge impact on support Lulu (who actually comes with tradeoffs like no guaranteed farm or gold generation), so we'll look at ways to help support Lulu if she comes out too weak because of these changes.
E - Help, Pix!
ENEMY FOLLOW DURATION6 seconds ⇒ 4 seconds
REMOVEDMINION CASTMinions gain a shield
BASE DAMAGE80/130/180/230/280 ⇒ 80/110/140/170/200

Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune now has a meaningful mid to late game where she can deal more damage and scale harder (via Impure Shots and Bullet Time) from her early lane advantages. In exchange, MF's lost some of her lane bully power (reduced Double Up damage and lower early damage from Impure Shots).
In the past, Miss Fortune's been seen as the go-to markswoman with a strong early game presence who transitions to high AoE power. As the landscape of League has changed, however, she's been left in the dust for both strengths, so we wanted to give her something of her own to get excited about. So while we did need to tune down some of MF's early game bullying, we did so to further highlight the shock and awe factor of Bullet Time and Impure Shots.
Passive - Strut
NEWUTILITYBonus movement speed now displayed on buff icon
Q - Double Up
COOLDOWN9/8/7/6/5 ⇒ 7/6/5/4/3
MANA COST70/75/80/85/90 ⇒ 43/46/49/52/55
1ST TARGET BASE DAMAGE25/60/95/130/165 ⇒ 20/35/50/65/80
2ND TARGET BASE DAMAGE30/72/114/156/198 ⇒ 40/70/100/130/160
W - Impure Shots
MANA COST50 at all ranks ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50
BONUS DAMAGE PER STACK4/6/8/10/12 (+0.05 ability power) ⇒ 0.06 attack damage
ATTACK SPEED BUFF+30/35/40/45/50% attack speed ⇒+20/30/40/50/60% attack speed
GRIEVOUS WOUNDS DURATION3 seconds ⇒ 2 seconds
E - Make It Rain
COOLDOWN15 at all ranks ⇒ 14/13/12/11/10
MOVEMENT SPEED SLOW20/28/36/44/52% ⇒ 25/35/45/55/65%
VISIONMore closely matches the area of effect
R - Bullet Time
NEWUTILITYPassively increases the stack cap of Impure Shots to 6/7/8
BASE DAMAGE65/95/125 per bullet ⇒ 50/75/125 per bullet
TOTAL BASE DAMAGE520/760/1000 ⇒ 400/600/1000
NEWUTILITYEach bullet applies a stack and procs the damage of Impure Shots (but does not apply Grievous Wounds)

Dominus' health bonus and AoE magic damage are lower in early ranks and higher at later ranks.
While we're very aware of the high strength Renekton brings to the lane, we're tackling his strengths carefully over time. Dominus was the best ability to look at first, because its high strength was giving the croc an almost guaranteed lane win once he hit level 6. This change also lets Renekton scale a little better into the late game so his early advantages can be built on.
R - Dominus
BONUS HEALTH300/450/600 health ⇒ 200/400/800 health
MAGIC DAMAGE PER TICK40/70/100 ⇒ 30/60/120

Twisted Fate
We're finding a middle ground from our changes back in 3.10 to let Twisted Fate gank with a pre-picked card easier.
W - Pick A Card
CARD SELECTION WINDOW8 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds
CARD USE WINDOW4 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds

Wukong's armor shred on Crushing Blow now scales with level (starts out lower before ending up at his old value). Cyclone's total attack damage ratio has been reduced.
Statistically, Wukong's performed very well since his launch, despite being played in a number of positions (top, mid, and jungle). Now that Wu's found a position that circumvents his natural weaknesses, we can tune some of his high damage - particularly when he comes roaring out of the jungle with raw offensive items. We considered other options but realized most didn't do enough to tackle his overbearing damage in the early ranks (as an example, removing the armor shred on Crushing Blow versus neutral monsters has minimal impact if you consider how much armor they begin with).
Q - Crushing Blow
ARMOR SHRED30% at all ranks ⇒ 10/15/20/25/30%
R - Cyclone
ATTACK DAMAGE RATIO1.2 per second (4.8 total) ⇒ 1.1 per second (4.4 total)

Ziggs' attack range has been reduced.
Ziggs has a super safe laning phase, even when he's constantly harassing his opponents with abilities and auto attacks. This change is to add a little more risk to Ziggs when he goes in for a hit.
Minor Changes & Bug Fixes

Q - Orb of Deception
BUGFIXFixed a bug where Orb of Deception wouldn't return if Ahri was dead or in stasis

Q - Rocket Grab
BUGFIXFixed a bug that prevented Blitzcrank from using Thresh's Lantern while casting Rocket Grab.

Jarvan IV
Cataclysm should now be more reliable for Jarvan IV to land.
R - Cataclysm
UTILITYThe walled area is now centered between Jarvan and his target.

R - Super Mega Death Rocket!
NEWBUGFIXNow goes on cooldown when Jinx finishes firing, rather than when she begins firing
NEWBUGFIXIf Jinx dies while firing her Super Mega Death Rocket! it will no longer go on cooldown

Malzahar's voidling's attack priority system has been reworked to function more intuitively and not just occasionally sit there.
Passive - Summon Voidling
- Attack the target of Nether Grasp.
- Attack the nearest champion with Malefic Visions.
- Attack the nearest non-champion with Malefic Visions.
- Attack the nearest enemy.
- Attack priorities no longer conflict with each other, causing the Voidling to continuously switch targets.

Passive - Aegis Protection
BUGFIXNow blocks any attack of a siege minion or large monster even if they don't meet the 40 damage threshold

R - Shadow Assault
NEWUTILITYFlash no longer breaks Shadow Assault stealth
BUGFIXActivating Noxian Diplomacy no longer breaks Shadow Assault stealth (attacking still breaks stealth as normal)

Blue Trinkets
Still in the process of making Blue Trinkets less sad. Maybe it's the color.
Scrying Orb (level 1)
VISION DURATION1 second ⇒ 2 seconds
RANGE1500 ⇒ 2500
Scrying Orb (level 9)
VISION DURATION1 second ⇒ 2 seconds
RANGE2500 ⇒ 3500
Farsight Orb
VISION DURATION1 second ⇒ 2 seconds
RANGE3000 ⇒ 4000

Spirit of the Elder Lizard
We're a little concerned that Spirit of the Elder Lizard is skewing the landscape of the early jungle toward high damage champions who sustain (and thrive) thanks to their offensive prowess. We're still keeping a close eye on Elder Lizard, but are moving conservatively in the meantime.

NEWFeral Flare
It's finally here! Picking up after our 4.4 changes to Wriggle's Lantern, we wanted to introduce a new jungle item that "rounds out" the pool. Feral Flare specifically focuses on late-game farming in the jungle at the expense of meaningful early to mid game power.
TRANSFORMUpgrades from Wriggle's Lantern after killing 25 large monsters
ATTACK DAMAGE+15 attack damage
ATTACK SPEED+35% attack speed
UNIQUE PASSIVE MAIMBasic attacks deal 100 damage (reduced by 67% against champions) and heal 10 health on hit. Kills, assists, and large monster kills increase the damage by 3 and heal by 1.
UNIQUE PASSIVE+30% gold from monster kills
UNIQUE ACTIVEPlaces a stealth ward that reveals the surrounding area for 180 seconds (180 second cooldown)
UTILITYWard cast range greatly increased versus normal ward cast range
Support Itemization & Build Paths
We've introduced two new foundational items for supports in the form of Aether Wisp (ability power, movement speed), and Forbidden Idol (mana regen and cooldown reduction). Several items have had their build paths strealimed (or changed) to accommodate.
These changes are a mid-season followup to our 2014 Season Changes for supports and support itemization. We noticed that while we succeeded in giving supports more gold, we didn't give them enough itemization paths that paced well with their gold gain. With these new items, this means we can also look at support itemization in the future to offer more interesting choices.

NEWAether Wisp
RECIPEAmplifying Tome + 515 gold
TOTAL COST950 gold
ABILITY POWER+30 ability power
UNIQUE PASSIVE+5% movement speed
Lich Bane
RECIPESheen + Blasting Wand + 940 gold ⇒ Sheen + Aether Wisp + 850 gold
TOTAL COSTUnchanged (3000 gold)
Twin Shadows
RECIPEAmplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + Null Magic Mangle + 730 gold ⇒ Aether Wisp + Fiendish Codex + 780 gold
TOTAL COST2000 gold ⇒ 2400 gold
REMOVEDCRYSTAL SCAR & TWISTED TREELINE RECIPEAmplifying Tome + Amplifying Tome + Null Magic Mangle + 530 gold = 1800 gold
ABILITY POWER+50 ability power ⇒ +80 ability power
NEWCOOLDOWN REDUCTION+10% cooldown reduction
NEWUTILITYIf the ghosts fail to find a target, they attempt to return to the caster. Each ghost that successfully returns to the caster reduces the cooldown of this item by 40 seconds (20 seconds on Crystal Scar & Twisted Treeline).

NEWForbidden Idol
RECIPEFaerie Charm + Faerie Charm + 390 gold
TOTAL COST750 gold
UNIQUE PASSIVE+10% cooldown reduction
RECIPEAmplifying Tome + Faerie Charm + Fiendish Codex + 765 gold ⇒Fiendish Codex + Forbidden Idol + 630 gold
TOTAL COSTUnchanged (2200 gold)
Talisman of Ascension
RECIPENomad's Medallion + Faerie Charm + 955 Gold ⇒ Nomad's Medallion + Forbidden Idol + 585 Gold
TOTAL COST2000 gold ⇒ 2200 gold

Frost Queen's Claim
COMBINE COST315 gold ⇒ 515 gold
TOTAL COST2000 gold ⇒ 2200 gold
ABILITY POWER+40 ability power ⇒ +50 ability power
HEALTH+375 health ⇒ +500 health

Will of the Ancients
RECIPEHextech Revolver + Faerie Charm + Faerie Charm + 440 gold ⇒Hextech Revolver + Fiendish Codex + 480 gold
TOTAL COST2000 gold ⇒ 2500 gold
ABILITY POWER+50 ability power ⇒ +80 ability power

Aegis of the Legion
RECIPERejuvenation Bead + Cloth Armor + Ruby Crystal + Null Magic Mantle + 670 Gold ⇒ Rejuvenation Bead + Ruby Crystal + Negatron Cloak + 600 gold
TOTAL COST1950 gold ⇒ 1900 gold
NEWMAGIC RESISTANCE+20 magic resistance
Locket of the Iron Solari
RECIPEAegis of the Legion + 600 gold ⇒ Kindlegem + Aegis of the Legion + 50 gold
TOTAL COST2550 gold ⇒ 2800 gold
HEALTH+300 health ⇒ +400 health
NEWMAGIC RESISTANCE+20 magic resistance

Warden's Mail
RECIPECloth Armor + Cloth Armor + 400 gold ⇒ Chain Vest + 280 gold
TOTAL COSTUnchanged (1000 gold)

Glacial Shroud
RECIPESapphire Crystal + Chain Vest + 230 gold ⇒ Cloth Armor + Sapphire Crystal + 250 gold
TOTAL COST1350 gold ⇒ 950 gold
ARMOR+45 Armor ⇒ +20 armor
MANA+300 Mana ⇒ +250 mana
Iceborn Gauntlet
COMBINE COST700 gold ⇒ 750 gold
TOTAL COST3250 gold ⇒ 2900 gold
ARMOR+70 armor ⇒ +60 armor
Frozen Heart
COMBINE COST550 gold ⇒ 650 gold
TOTAL COST2900 ⇒ 2600
ARMOR+95 armor ⇒ +100 armor
ATTACK SPEED REDUCTION AURA-20% attack speed ⇒ -15% attack speed

Boot Enchantments
Because Homeguard boots are so strong as a defensive item, we realized we needed to bring the offensive boot enchantments up to parity. Boot enchants should be an opportunity to personalize your play, so... have a few more choices!
Enchantment: Alacrity
MOVEMENT SPEED+15 movement speed ⇒ +20 movement speed
Enchantment: Captain
COST750 gold ⇒ 600 gold
APPROACHING ALLY MOVEMENT SPEED+8% movement speed ⇒ +10% movement speed
Enchantment: Distortion
NEWUTILITYIncreases Ghost movement speed to 40% from 28%
NEWUTILITYGrants +30% movement speed for 1 second after using Flash
NEWUTILITYGrants +30% movement speed for 3 seconds after successfully using Teleport
Enchantment: Furor
COST650 gold ⇒ 475 gold
Enchantment: Homeguard
FOUNTAIN HEALINGInstant full restore ⇒ Restores a portion of missing health and mana per second
ACTIVATION DELAY8 seconds out of combat ⇒ 6 seconds out of combat
We promised rune balance changes for the 2014 season but when we took a deeper look we realized that we needed to do more fundamental work on the system itself. That said, we wanted to get a few balance changes in for the 2014 season, so we targeted midseason as the right time. We've heard a lot of feedback from players on the pains surrounding the rune system, and we'll be taking that into consideration in the future! It may not be a holistic fix right now, but these balance changes allow us to open up a little more diversity in rune choice. We've also made some compensation buffs for the two runes we nerfed.
As a side note, we specifically tackled armor runes and lifesteal quintessences because they were becoming the "best in slot" choice for any champion that could use them. In the case of armor, the answer was "everyone," while lifesteal quintessences had a slightly narrower appeal. The buffs we made across other runes were to focus on adding more options without affecting any larger systems while also bringing some runes up to parity in terms of gold value.

Greater Seal of Armor
PER SEAL+1.41 armor ⇒ +1.00 armor
PER 9 SEALS+12.69 armor ⇒ +9.00 armor
SUPPLEMENTARYBase armor of all champions increased by 4
Greater Seal of Scaling Armor
PER SEAL+2.7 armor at lvl 18 ⇒ +3.00 armor at lvl 18
PER 9 SEALS+24.3 armor at lvl 18 ⇒ +27.00 armor at lvl 18
Greater Seal of Health
PER SEAL+5.35 health ⇒ +8.00 health
PER 9 SEALS+48.15 health ⇒ +72 health
Greater Seal of Scaling Health
PER SEAL+19.44 health at lvl 18 ⇒ +24.00 health at lvl 18
PER 9 SEALS+174.96 health at lvl 18 ⇒ +216.00 health at lvl 18
Greater Seal of Health Regeneration
PER SEAL+0.43 health regen/5 sec ⇒ +0.56 health regen/5 sec
PER 9 SEALS+3.87 health regen/5 sec ⇒ +5 health regen/5 sec

Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction
PER GLYPH+1.11% cooldown reduction at lvl 18 ⇒ +1.67% cooldown reduction at lvl 18
PER 9 GLYPHS+9.99% cooldown reduction at lvl 18 ⇒ +15% cooldown reduction at lvl 18
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
PER GLYPH+2.7 magic resistance at lvl 18 ⇒ +3.00 magic resistance at lvl 18
PER 9 GLYPHS+24.3 magic resistance at lvl 18 ⇒ +27.00 magic resistance at lvl 18
Greater Glyph of Mana Regeneration
PER GLYPH+0.31 mana regen/5 sec ⇒ +0.33 mana regen/5 sec
PER 9 GLYPHS+2.79 mana regen/5 sec ⇒ +3 mana regen/5 sec
Greater Glyph of Scaling Mana Regeneration
PER GLYPH+0.99 mana regen/5 sec at lvl 18 ⇒ +1.20 mana regen/5 sec at lvl 18
PER 9 GLYPHS+8.91 mana regen/5 sec at lvl 18 ⇒ +10.80 mana regen/5 sec at lvl 18

Greater Quintessence of Cooldown Reduction
PER QUINTESSENCE+1.67% cooldown reduction ⇒ +2.50% cooldown reduction
PER 3 QUINTESSENCES+5.01% cooldown reduction ⇒ +7.50% cooldown reduction
Greater Quintessence of Scaling Cooldown Reduction
PER QUINTESSENCE+2.5% cooldown reduction at lvl 18 ⇒ +5.00% cooldown reduction at lvl 18
PER 3 QUINTESSENCES+7.5% cooldown reduction at lvl 18 ⇒ +15.00% cooldown reduction at lvl 18
Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed
PER QUINTESSENCE+3.4% attack speed ⇒ +4.50% attack speed
PER 3 QUINTESSENCES+10.2% attack speed ⇒ +13.50% attack speed
Greater Quintessence of Life Steal
PER QUINTESSENCE+2% lifesteal ⇒ +1.5% lifesteal
PER 3 QUINTESSENCES+6% lifesteal ⇒ +4.5% lifesteal
SUPPLEMENTARYThe offensive mastery, Feast, now restores 3 health on unit kill (up from 2)

Similar to our armor seal changes, lifesteal quintessences are a fairly standardized rune on certain champions, so we wanted to compensate for the change in specific cases.

Completely unrelated buff here - we noticed that Scavenger's range was smaller than Ancient Coin (occasionally resulting in one granting gold while the other didn't), so we fixed it.
RANGE900 ⇒ 1100
Summoner Spells

Exhaust has fallen out of favor as Ignite has become the staple for kill lanes around the world. Additionally, the successful "use case" of Exhaust has grown more difficult as burst damage combinations become the norm (both through the current popular support roster and overall damage contributions in lane). These buffs to Exhaust are to give it a stronger defensive use case while also letting the player feel better about using it in a timely manner.
ATTACK SPEED REDUCTION-50% attack speed ⇒ -30% attack speed
DAMAGE DEBUFF-30% damage ⇒ -50% damage
RANGE550 ⇒ 650

While the current live environment heavily favors all-in engagements, we wanted a summoner spell that could be reliably used for defensive lanes. These changes let us expand the scope of Heal so that it has more cool use cases and playmaking opportunities.
COOLDOWN300 ⇒ 240
HEAL90-345 ⇒ 90-495
NEWUTILITYHeals all allies in range ⇒ Heals the caster and the allied champion nearest to the caster's cursor (or the most wounded ally if no target is near the cursor)
NEWCRAZYRemoves healing reduction effects on affected champions
NEWCRAZY-AWESOMEAffected champions gain +30% movement speed for 2 seconds

Partially to compensate for the Heal changes and because when you set someone on fire, that should make them real visible.
VISIONNow grants vision of the target while ignited - does not reveal stealthed champions.

We heard your feedback and have tuned up the uniqueness of the Barrier particle.
VISUALSGold ⇒ Off-white
Summoner's Rift
Dragon now deals a percentage of the target's current health as damage (this goes up over time). Dragon's debuff now reduces total damage dealt by 20%. Dragon gains additional armor and magic resistance over time.
In the mid to late game when champions have enough damage, taking the Dragon becomes a high value, low risk objective. These changes should help the Dragon scale better as a late game objective (rather than a quick gold boost).
NEWBONUS ARMOR & MAGIC RESIST+13 armor and +5.85 magic resist per level after level 9
NEW% CURRENT HEALTH DAMAGE5% (+0.5% per level after level 9) current health as physical damage per attack
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