Saturday, November 29, 2014

Current PBE changes - Rek'Sai, Eternum Rek'Sai, Five new Poro summoner icons, and Three new Poro ward skins!

Rek'Sai is on the PBE! I have to say I really enjoy playing Rek'Sai and I think she is a great jungler for our new Summoner's Rift. She has great jungle camp clearing and her ganks are greats. Eternum Rek'Sai, Rek'Sai's release skin, has also been added to the PBE. Along with Five new Poro themed summoner icons and three new poro ward skins.

League Of Legends newest champion is now on the PBE! If you haven't already read Rek'Sai's announcement post, you can check it out here.

Burrowed Q



Burrowed E

Eternum Rek'Sai:
Rek'Sai's release skin is also now on the PBE for testing. This will be the second eternum skin we see in the game, the other on being Eternum Nocturne.

Burrowed Q



Burrowed E

New Poro Summoner icons:
Five new Poro themed summoner icons where added to the PBE this week. These icons include: Astronaut Poro icon, Battlecast Poro icon, Dragon Slayer Poro icon, Gentleman Poro, Shadow Isle Poro.
 Astronaut Poro icon

 Battlecast Poro icon

 Dragon Slayer Poro icon

 Gentleman Poro icon

Shadow Isle Poro icon

New Poro ward skin:
Three new ward skins have been added to the PBE. These ward skins are: Astronaut Poro ward, Gentleman Poro ward, and last but not least, just a regular Poro ward.

 Astronaut Poro Ward

 Gentleman Poro Ward

Poro Ward

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