Monday, September 8, 2014

Current PBE changes - Shurima login screen, Galactic Azir, Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix, and More!

Welcome to the first PBE post here on AFK@BOT. Each PBE post will contain new things I find on the PBE launcher, examples: new skins, champions, summoner icons, etc; I will also be providing screenshots, but only in future post, due to some technical difficulty(I do have some screenshots in this post though). In this post I will be covering the new Shurima login screen, Azir, Galactic Azir, Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix, 3 new ward skins, and 5 new summoner icons.

Shurima login screen:

The new login screen is some sort of crest that has something to do with the desert of Shurima. The crest looks very famillar to Azirs turrets, but I'm not quite sure the crest and Azir are some connected in any way.


For information on Azir, check out our post about him, here.

Galactic Azir:

Galactic Azir, along with it's splash art, is now on the PBE for testing. The skin is very nice and feature beautiful animations. Once I fix my screenshot issue I'll have some screenshots of the skin in-game up for you guys.

Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix:

Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix is also on the PBE for testing, along with the splash art as well. Like I mentioned earlier, I will have screenshots of this skin in-game as well, so keep an eye out if your interested in Guardian of the Sands Kha'Zix or Galactic Azir.

Ward skins:

There are currently 3 new ward skin now on the PBE. The Sad Mummy Ward, Armadillo Ward, and Sun Disc Ward.

Summoner icons:

5 news summoner icons have been added to the PBE. Each respectively named Shurima Crest icon, Perfect Ascension icon, Shurima Emlem icon, and Shurima Medal icon.

Thanks for reading everyone, and in the next post or so I will have screenshots for you guys. Comments are greatly appreciated and have a great afternoon.

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