Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Weekly skin concept - Bumblebee Blitzcrank

We are back once again with a brand new weekly skin concept! I would first like to apologize for not posting a weekly skin concept in a while, I have been quite busy preparing something for you guys. I promise as of now I will be posting a new weekly skin concept every Tuesday. Now, lets get started on this weeks skin. This weeks skin concept is Bumblebee Blitzcrank. This skin was created by Gevurah Studios on deviantArt(he has been featured many times on my weekly skin concepts). Bumblebee Blitzcrank is a really original skin concept, and I think that there can in fact be many more League Of Legends champions that can receive a "Transformers" skin. Hope you guys enjoy the skin! And be sure to go check out the artist!

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