Saturday, January 24, 2015

Champion Review - Udyr Jungle

I have been playing Udyr for the past week and I have found him to be a great Jungler. He has great camp clear and has a good balance of Damage/Health. If you would like to read my FULL review of Udyr Jungle, continue reading below!
Udyr's best role is easily Jungle. He has extremely great camp clear and his movement speed allows you to go from camp to camp very quickly. When you first get in the game you want to either start Tiger or Phoenix stance. I personally go with Tiger stance for it's attack speed and high damage output. From there you'll want to go strait to Gromp and ask ONLY THE TOP laner to help(If the mid laner comes he will take too much EXP and you won't be level 2 after Gromp). You will want to Smite Gromp right away so you have Smite ready as soon as possible and ask your top laner to fall back once Gromp is at half health. Once your done with Gromp you should be level 2, get Turtle stance and go take out Blue Buff. Note: remember while Jungling as Udyr you must keep switching between stances. After Blue Buff go directly to Red Buff, you should have Smite up by now. Then just keep clearing both sides of the Jungle until you have about 1500 gold, go back and get Ranger's Trailblazer (Warrior or Juggernaut) If you will be farming the Jungle or Stalker's Blade (Warrior or Juggernaut) If you will be ganking alot. The next items you want to get are Blade of the Ruined King, Randuins Omen, Zephyr, and last but not least Frozen Mallet or Phantom Dancer. When your playing Udyr you will want to have champions with a lot of burst damage to follow up on Udyr's ganks and team fights. My favorite skin on Udyr is easily Spirit Guard Udyr and I would seriously recommend getting it if you play Udyr a lot.

Thanks for reading the first ever champion review on AFK@BOT, I hope you enjoyed it and I'll catch you guys in the next post!

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